The Power of Networking: Leveraging Connections for Successful Recruitment

The term “networking” has been applied to many segments of society. You can build friendships by networking, find your next house by networking, and even find your significant other by networking. Who you know remains one of the key indicators of success. Recruiters use networking in one of the most powerful ways: connecting prospects with…

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Strategies for Attracting Passive Candidates in a Competitive Job Market

Over the past few years, the talent market has shifted for HR professionals and hiring managers. In 2020 and 2021, the so-called “Great Resignation” rocked hiring and resourcing, making finding and retaining top talent that much more challenging. Even through rounds of layoffs at notable companies and fears of a global recession in the years…

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Is Your Resume Updated?

It’s the beginning of the year and it’s a good time to stop and take a look at your resume. Updating your resume whenever you gain new qualifications, such as a new job, a certification, or a hard skill, is a good idea. Updating your resume to reflect your current and most relevant qualifications can…

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Top Business Trends for 2024

As we enter 2024, the business landscape continues to evolve rapidly, driven by disruptive innovation and shifting market forces. The ability to anticipate and adapt to emerging trends is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity for survival and success. These five business trends represent fundamental changes in how businesses will operate and compete…

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Recruiting for Cultural Fit: Strategies for Assessing Alignment

The cultural fit of an organization is an important factor that determines long-term employee satisfaction and retention. While each organization has unique characteristics that define its culture, there are shared strategies that recruiters can apply to shortlist the most suitable hires. Generally, a good cultural fit involves a keen alignment of personal values with organizational…

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Hiring for Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Era

hiring for manufacturing

Manufacturing is rapidly evolving, thanks to Industry 4.0. That means hiring for manufacturing roles is a lot different now, too. Today’s smart factories are data-driven, which requires a whole new class of factory workers. While this presents challenges for recruiters and hiring managers, it also opens up many new career opportunities.  Digital technologies, artificial intelligence,…

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Navigating Job Search Platforms: Tips for Candidates

navigating job search platforms

Job search platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoors, and Indeed are popular channels for guiding you toward the most fulfilling career opportunities. These professional sites can help bridge companies with compatible hires, considering how 87% of companies have problems finding the right hires. From the job seeker’s perspective, these sites help contact recruiters, expand professional networks, and promote relevant…

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Your Social Media Posts Can Get You Fired

social media fired

Even in 2023, your social media posts can get you fired. You need to be careful about the information you are putting out there because if your employer sees it and feels it’s a bad reflection on you or the company, it could be cause for dismissal. Many might be thinking, “Oh, what I’m posting…

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Have Nike’s Philosophies Changed Your Team’s Game?


The new movie Air is out. It’s about how Nike, a company, and rookie Michael Jordan partnered up and revolutionized the sport and culture. At the time in 1984, when these events took place, Nike was in a terrible place. The company was about to cancel its basketball division. They desperately needed a break. The…

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Are You Utilizing These Important Sales Techniques?

sales techniques

Too often people are not communicating effectively and therefore are missing out on important sales opportunities. This becomes especially relevant when you’re trying to convince someone to purchase your product/idea/consulting service and you are focused on your needs and your end game: to close the deal. What if we changed our focus and instead concentrated…

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