Job Search During A Pandemic

If you were job searching before the coronavirus hit, don’t let it derail your career plans. We are here to help. Companies are absolutely still hiring. This is a great time to be making calls and submitting resumes. With everything going on, people are distracted and less likely to be actively looking for their next role, making it an even better time to speak with a recruiter who can help. Here are just a few suggestions:
This is a great time to grow your network. It may be awhile before events are back up and running, so get comfortable joining professional groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. If you’re connected to a recruiter, we can also help you better align your strategies.
- Make it a goal to make 5 new connections a week.
- Join 2 different groups per week.
- Follow up with 3 different companies each week.
Now that you have a little extra time, and may be working from home, you can speak freely about your wants and needs so we can assess your career goals and take steps to advance those goals for when things get back on track.
It’s an excellent time to refresh your resume and your LinkedIn profile. Make sure to highlight your digital capabilities. It may be awhile before you’re working in the office, so you need to showcase your innovative side. Businesses need remote-ready employees right now, so make sure to include your tech skills. Also, make sure your LinkedIn profile has proper grammar and punctuation and an appropriate photo.
- Your photo should look professional (have someone else take it – even if it’s from an iPhone – no selfies!).
- Only have you in the picture (don’t edit out someone else from a picture).
- Your face should be clear in the photo (make sure it takes up about 60% of the photo).
Show that you can solve problems. Every job opening is a company with a problem that needs solved. You want to be able to stand out in a slow job market. Demonstrate you can alleviate frustrations and tackle challenges. Use clear and specific examples to show them.
Be adaptable and persistent. Not only will networking be different for a while, interviewing will be different too. You’ll be seeing more phone and video interviews for awhile, don’t let that intimidate you. The process may be slower, but don’t let that stop you from following up. Show employers you’re eager to move forward.
- Your video skills don’t have to be professional. Make sure you can use FaceTime or Zoom. Make yourself accessible.
- Go to a place that’s quiet and you can focus.
- Dress professionally.
- Close any unnecessary tabs and browser windows.
If you feel you need additional help or want to deep dive into your personal career plans, please reach out! Email us at to be connected to a recruiter who can help.