Are You As Prepared for the Interview As You Could Be?

You’ve read the job description and are excited about the role you’re about to interview, but have you done enough homework so you are as prepared for the interview as you could be?

We always want to help make sure the interview goes as smoothly as possible, so here are some suggestions of things you can do to make sure you’re prepared and leave a positive impression on the interviewers.

  1. Learn more about the company. Spend time thoroughly researching the company, it’s products or services, size and how many locations they serve. If they have their annual report on the site, check that out too.
  2. Learn about your interviewers. When you set up the interview, the scheduler or hiring manager should tell you all the people you are going to meet with. However, you can always ask if the information isn’t readily shared. Take time to search them on LinkedIn. See if you have any commonalities (such as went to the same college, used to work for the same companies, etc) to help you break the ice when you first begin the interview.
  3. Ensure you have questions to ask. Interviews aren’t one-sided, you have to ensure you believe this company is a good fit for you as well. Make sure you have questions for the end of the interview when asked. A lack of prepared questions can make you appear disinterested.
  4. Dress appropriately. The old addage “dress for the job you want” applies here. You want to make sure you present yourself well and fit the appropriate company dress code. When in doubt, always dress more formal. You will certainly make an impression!

Be prepared for any unexpected questions during an interview and remember it’s okay to take a moment for thoughtful consideration or to say you don’t know the answer.