Financial Planning in an Unusual Year

Financial planning has never been a particularly easy task for companies, but the pandemic has made it even more difficult. Those charged with creating viable budgets are used to accuracy, consistency, and fairly predictable planning cycles — not the uncertainty their organizations are living with today. “The five-year plan is no longer relevant,” says Bert…

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Making a Good Hire Remotely

Hiring a new employee remotely can seem like a daunting task to say the least. How can you possibly assess a potential candidate when you can’t read their body language or make proper eye contact over a Zoom call? Even more importantly, how can you determine if they will thrive working in a remote environment,…

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When Your Performance Review Goes Remote

Whether a performance review is conducted face-to-face or remotely — as is likely today — the goal is the same: to have a productive discussion about your work. But you may be apprehensive about putting your best foot forward or communicating your concerns when you can’t sit down with your manager in a relaxed and…

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Conducting Performance Reviews When Your Team is Remote

Workplace dynamics have changed drastically over the last few months. From minimal personal interaction to increased reliance on communication technology, the word “office” has taken on a whole new meaning. As the year-end approaches, this leaves many companies wondering about the best way to conduct performance reviews. How can you evaluate your remote employees accurately,…

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Manage the Work, Not the People

As millions of Americans now work remotely, managers unaccustomed to supervising employees from afar face new challenges in leading and evaluating their team’s performance. Traditional management styles prior to this new World of Work emphasized the need to manage employees effectively to get the best results. Today, however, the emphasis has shifted to managing the…

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Changing the World of Work – Learning from the Past

The last 24 months have turned the world of work on its axis as advances in technology empower both top employees and savvy employers to harness the proliferation of social platforms to develop attractive and compelling “brands.” Toss in the impact of COVID-19 on the employment market over the past five months and we have…

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Preserving Company Culture In Remote Work

For many businesses, working the “9-to-5” in a centralized office is a thing of the past – at least for the time being. Even when you and your people are able to physically return to your workplaces, you’ll most likely find that practices such as working remotely continue in some form. ”Adapting your company culture…

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Why Interim Staffing Makes Even More Sense During Times of Crisis

A brief review of the history of interim staffing throws light on the evolution of the industry. Three “black swan” events were major disruptors that contributed to the thriving business it is today, according to Tim Ozier, Sr. Director of Sales at MRINetwork: Y2K in 1999. “I guess this wasn’t a true ‘black swan’ event in that…

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Video Conferencing Fatigue and Its Impact on Productivity

The work from home model is now an integral feature of virtually every white-collar professional’s daily routine. Freed from the daily grind of an energy-draining commute to the office, most knowledge industry workers report they are starting work earlier and fully engaged for longer hours. This would seem to be a recipe for added productivity,…

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Successfully Onboarding Your New Remote Employees

Although the way many of us work has shifted into work from home mode, it doesn’t mean things are at a standstill. Many companies are ramping up their hiring as they look forward and plan for their future growth and development. If you are among them, it means that once you’ve identified the right person…

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